Privacy Policy

We are Fieldbar (Pty) Ltd (Registration number 2018/429416/07) We respect your privacy and take the protection of personal information seriously.

The purpose of this policy is to describe the how we collect, store, use, and protect information that can be associated with you or another specific natural or juristic person and can be used to identify you or that person (personal information).


This policy applies to you, if you are:

a visitor to our website; or

  •  a customer who has ordered or requested the goods or services that we provide
    online or in-store.

Personal Information:

Personal information includes:

  • certain information that we collect when you visit our website;
  • certain information collected on registration
  • certain information collected on checkout; and
  • optional information that you provide to us voluntarily (see below);

but excludes:

  • information that has been made anonymous so that it does not identify a specific person;
  • permanently de-identified information that does not relate or cannot be traced back to you specifically;
  • non-personal statistical information collected and compiled by us; and
  • information that you have provided voluntarily in an open, public environment or forum including any blog, chat room, community, classifieds, or discussion board (because the information has been disclosed in a public forum, it is no longer confidential and does not constitute personal information subject to protection under this policy).


Examples of the types of personal information which we may collect and process include your:

  • identifying information – such as your name, date of birth, or identification number
    of any kind;
  • contact information – such as your phone number or email address;
  • address information – such as your physical or postal address; or
  • financial information – such as your bank account details.
You must accept all the terms of this policy when you order our goods or request our services. If you do not agree with anything in this policy, then you may not order our goods or request our services.
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